Our services are operating on time.

Hovercraft at night

Extra Late Flights

On selected dates we are operating late flights outside of our usual timetable.

Enjoy the opportunity of staying later with our extra late flights on the below selected dates. Whether you're travelling to visit family and friends, going to an event or attraction, fly home in under 10 minutes, the fastest Isle of Wight ferry across the Solent. 


Date Late Flights From Ryde Late Flights From Southsea
Wednesday 12th March 2200


Friday 22nd August 21:15, 22:00, 22:30, 23:00 & 23:30

21:30, 22:15, 22:45, 23:15 & 23:45

Saturday 23rd August 21:15, 22:00, 22:30, 23:00, 23:30 & 00:00

21:30, 22:15, 22:45, 23:15, 23:45 & 00:15

Sunday 24th August 22:00, 22:30, 23:00, 23:30 & 00:00

22:15, 22:45, 23:15, 23:45 & 00:15


Enjoy into the evening...