Hovertravel Sensory Journey
Ryde Terminal
Sights - expect to see…
- A queue of people outside and inside.
- Potential for a busy people environment, moving, not necessarily orderly.
- Souvenir / sweet treats vending.
- Televisions mounted on walls with advertisements.
Sound/hearing - expect to hear…
- Hovercraft on the pad- loud engines.
- Hustle & bustle of other passengers, including children & babies.
- Gentle music playing in terminal.
- Sounds from the coffee machine.
- Dogs - Hovertravel is pet friendly.
Smell - expect to smell…
- Coffee machine
Sights - expect to see...
- A queue of people from the terminal door to the front of the Hovercraft.
- Potential for a busy people environment, moving, not necessarily orderly.
- Freight, luggage, bikes and other passengers offloading from previous flights.
- Pilots swapping over turns commanding the Hovercraft.
- Possibility of engineering staff standing on side deck refueling Hovercraft.
- Potential to be seated next to strangers.
- Potential to be seated next to dogs or other pets.
- Doors at front of Hovercraft closing & opening.
- Safety video playing on screens, followed by advertisments.
- Crew members walking around the craft. Possibly using a clicker, notepad or telephone.
- Hovercraft skirt inflating, and Hovercraft lifting off the ground.
- Hovercraft turning around, and moving at speed over the sea, sand and shingle.
- Regular Sights out of the windows include spray, people, sand, sea, yachts, ships, hovercraft, small watercraft.
- Bright sunlight reflecting off the sea surface.
Sound/hearing - expect to hear...
- Hovercraft engines - Although the Hovercraft you are boarding will have engines off, there is the potential for another hovercraft to be running its engines which may be loud.
- Potential for a fuel transfer pump to be operating if the craft is being refueled. It is loud and infrequent.
- Audible alarm when the front doors of the Hovercraft are opened and closed.
- An Audible Horn is sounded from the cockpit before the engines are turned on.
- Noise from the safety announcement on departure & arrival.
- Noise from the Public Address System.
- Engine Noise when the engines are turned on.
- Engine Noise as the Hovercraft lifts off the ground.
- Occasional clanging and banging noise from the skirt underneath the hovercraft if it is a rough day with larger waves.
Smell - expect to smell…
- On rare occasions, there may be a smell of Diesel when the craft is being refueled.
Feeling - expect to feel...
- Vibrations from the engines will be felt in every seat on the hovercraft.
- Vibrations from the waves striking the skirt will be felt if the weather is rough on the day.
- The Hovercraft will move, bounce, and sway in a rough sea.
- When embarking and disembarking, the ramp and steps may be wet, or have debris on them such as sand, seaweed, stones and shells.
Southsea Terminal
Sights - expect to see...
- Potential to be busy at peak times.
- Souvenir / sweet treats vending.
- Televisions mounted on walls with advertisements.
Sound/hearing - expect to hear...
- Hovercraft on the pad- loud engines.
- Hustle & bustle of other passengers, including children & babies.
- Gentle music playing in terminal.
- Sounds from the coffee machine.
- Dogs - Hovertravel is pet friendly.
Smell - expect to smell...
- Coffee machine.
Hints & Tips when traveling with Hovertravel…
Whilst the below may seem obvious to some, They may prove useful on the day
- It is strongly recommended to buy a ticket in advance. This will guarantee your seat on a particular departure. You otherwise run the risk of waiting in a standby queue which is outside the terminal, and open to all weathers.
- If the weather is adverse, or it is a busy time of the day, for example, the service may be delayed. The staff in the terminal will update you.
- We assist the Local NHS with hospital patient transfers - Although relatively rare you may see an ambulance, ambulance staff and a sick patient on a stretcher. This in turn may also delay your departure time.
- Sometimes if the service is busy, additional crossing will be added to cope with the demand. You may end up on an earlier craft than booked on.
- Luggage will need to be placed in the luggage area on the Hovercraft.
- Small handheld bags are usually ok to keep on your lap.
- f you struggle with crowds and noise, we recommend traveling at quieter times of the day.
- Hovertravel is fairly busy at all times of the year, however during the music festivals and other events on both sides of the Solent some dates can be particularly busy. I would advise checking our website for events.
- All Toilets are Unisex. There is one normal public toilet in Ryde Terminal. At Both Southsea and Ryde there are also excellent Accessible Toilet.
- If you want to Watch the Hovercraft before traveling you can observe from Ryde seawall, or on the railway bridge. In Southsea you can get a good view from the beach.
- There are a good range of souvenirs and snacks available at each terminal - I have always found it a useful distraction.
- Hovertravel have dedicated ‘Hovercare’ Seating in both waiting rooms, and also onboard the Hovercraft. These are separate so the terminal staff, and the crew onboard know you may require a little more assistance.
- Hovertravel offer use of Eardefenders - please ask if you would like to borrow.
- We are signatories to the Sunflower movement - all staff will recognise this symbol for hidden disabilities.
- Our Staff are our greatest asset at Hovertravel and will be delighted to help you travel with us.
Useful Links
Contact HoverCare